Navy celebrates World Maritime Day

تحریر: فضل حسین اعوان

| شائع ستمبر 27, 2019 | 21:07 شام

ISLAMABAD    -   Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi has said that with renewed impetus on maritime sector following the development of CPEC, maritime activities in Pakistan are bound to increase manifold. Pakistan Navy observed the World Maritime Day (WMD) 2019 on Thursday in coordination with the International Maritime Organization (IMO). World Maritime Day is observ

ed internationally during last week of September every year under the auspices of IMO. The theme adopted by IMO for this year’s World Maritime Day was ‘Empowering Women in Maritime Community’ aimed at creating environment and developing career opportunities for women in the maritime domain.

In his message on World Maritime Day, Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi said that with renewed impetus on maritime sector following the development of CPEC, maritime activities in Pakistan are bound to increase manifolds. Therefore, building capacities to capitalize on the economic opportunities offered by maritime sector, especially participation of women constituting about half of our population, is considered vital for accruing benefits offered by our maritime potential. There is a need to create environment and career development opportunities for women in maritime administration, ports and maritime training institutions which has become a fundamental imperative for long term development.

Pakistan Navy undertook a range of activities to underscore the importance of maritime sector with special emphasis on the contribution of women in this field in line with the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. A colourful Maritime Gala at Pakistan Maritime Museum, a seminar on the topic of ‘Empowering Women in Maritime Community’ by National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA) and to raise awareness about protection of marine environment harbour cleaning activity were carried out at Karachi.

The officers of Pakistan Navy also delivered lectures at Bahria University and Kinnaird College Lahore about significance of Maritime Sector and opportunities available for women in Maritime domain. A tree plantation campaign titled “One Child-One Tree” was also carried out by students of Bahria Model College Gwadar. Other activities held in various Pakistan Navy’s units/ establishments and Pakistan Navy’s administered schools and colleges included beach cleaning campaigns, awareness lectures, prize essay and water sports competitions, talk shows and social media campaigns on significance of the day. On World Maritime Day - 2019, Pakistan Navy pledged its full support towards development of maritime sector in Pakistan and empowerment of women in various maritime related fields.